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Management Rulez! is a trademark of Thomas Biskup. (C) Copyright 2005, 2006 by Thomas Biskup. All Rights Reserved.
No parts of this website (especially no comic strips) may be copied or redistributed without the explicit written permission of the author.

545322 page accesses since 2005/11/12.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


  1. Have you created all the stuff on this website yourself?
  2. Are the characters in the comics inspired by real life persons?
  3. Is the similarity to Dilbert(TM) by chance?
  4. Why don't you provide any email adress on this website?


Have you created all the stuff on this website yourself?

Yes, the complete website and the comics are done 100% by me, Thomas Biskup.

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Are the characters in the comics inspired by real life persons?

No, although I am working in the IT industry and work quite a bit with managers of various levels, so far I have been blessed to not have encountered anyone like the characters in my strips - and I am very grateful to my customers and partners for that ;-) Nonetheless I know a lot of people who have had direct contact with certain special types of managers and thus I have many sources for ideas. Despite that I'll never build any characters directly inspired by real life persons. Similarities are purely coincidental.

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Is the similarity to Dilbert(TM) by chance?

Yes and no. The topic is similar, but Management Rulez! takes a more detailed look at the 'other' side of life in large companies. I try to no lomger read Dilbert to prevent the accidental cross-inspiration with ideas and am sincerely convinced that corporate management as a topic contains more than enough ideas to create a long-running comic strip.

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Why don't you provide any email adress on this website?

I hate spam. Please use the contact form. This ensures that my mailbox keeps a manageable size.

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